Live Every Second As If It's Your Last

because it just might be...


My name is Ian Byl...

I never believed I was invincible but growing up I had this unexplainable feeling that I wouldn't make it to 35, but I did...

I actually made it to within one month of my 36th birthday...

May 8th, 2023, that exact date is now burned onto my brain for the rest of my life... how ever long that may be.

...And that's where my motto "live every SECOND as if its your last" was born.

The day was moving along perfectly!

We had just picked up our older children from school and were dropping them off at their dads house (yes, we are a blended family and on this day, that fact came to be a tremendous blessing!)...

As my youngest and I sat in the car waiting for my wife to come back something happened... It came on so quickly and "out of the blue", that I didn't know what was going on...

I began to feel a sort of "pinch" near my left shoulder...

I tried to adjust how I was sitting thinking I had an odd pinched nerve...

But as I tried to move, my left arm became very heavy and the more I tried to move it, the heavier it got!

My pinched nerve had instantly, without notice, with literally no signs, turned into something much worse...

I continued to try to move but the lack of feeling began to spread through my entire left side...

I called for my 6 year old in the back seat but I couldn't get the words out...

I could form the words in my head but they came out as just noises...

My son heard me trying to speak and asked me, "What daddy?" in his sweet 6 year old voice...

I used every ounce of energy I had left and yelled through my half paralyzed face

"Go get mommy, I need help!"

My little hero, not understanding what was going on, just that he needed to get help, leaped out the van and ran to get help...

As I sat there completely alone, fighting for consciousness (because I have an illogical fear of passing out), I began to pray... It's not the praying that is odd, no, I have prayed many times for many things in my life...

it's WHAT I was praying...

See I am not afraid of death, in fact, I welcome it with open arms or so I thought (but that is a story for another day)...

No, I prayed instead for God to spare me, to leave me here...

For most that would seem logical, but for me it was not...

Why was I praying this? What could possibly have changed in my life that would make me pray this?

See, I truly longed for nothing more than to "go home", but when I finally had my chance, I begged to "stay"...

Yes, I have a family of my own now that I love more than anything and would do anything for, but even still, that was not the reason...

The reason was something much bigger...

It was my PURPOSE...

But not just because I had a purpose, no, it was the realization that I had not done everything I was put here to do yet! I needed more time!

See, I spent the better part of 20 years trying to find the reason for my life, all the struggles, the pain, the anxiety, the depression, the addictions and on and on...

...and after almost 20 years I had literally just begun to realize the reason, and put into motion the work...

See my purpose is so much bigger than myself...

But, my purpose is not the point of this story!

Instead, I want to ask you, knowing the next second isn't guranteed, do you wish you had done more in life?

Do you wish you had a deeper meaning and purpose for everything?

Are you ready to stop standing on the sidelines and start living every second with intention, as if it's your last?

Join myself and over 300,000 others... check out the app that changed everything for me...

Not ready to take action yet?

Still need more proof of how fragile life is?

Well here it is...

As I sat fighting to breathe through the paralysis, praying... for what seemed like forever, but was actually only a matter of seconds, my wife came running out to see what was wrong!

She could tell I was not well, I tried to tell her what I was feeling (or not feeling) so she could tell the 911 operator...

And just like that, as soon as it came, it went...

I was healed... or so I thought...

I regained full feeling in my arm, body and face...

I could speak rather clearly (although labored from the trauma I just experienced)...

...and by the time EMS arrived, they wondered if I actually needed assistance...

My vitals were fine but we NEEDED answers...

After a long day and night in the ER, with dozens of tests, they finally found it...

See, even the doctors couldn't really believe it and tried to send me home...

I had "nothing wrong" with me...

Blood pressure was perfect...

Cholesterol was perfect...


I had suffered a STROKE!

They found the evidence burned on my brain (notice the pun from above... "a date burned onto my brain" - FYI, laughter is the best medicine)...

...and in fact they found the cause to be a rather sizeable hole in my heart...

A hole?

Yes, a hole that we are all born with that is supposed to close with our first breath...

I had lived my entire life completly unaware that I had a ticking timebomb inside of me!

As you can imagine, we had so many questions!

My wife and I tried to take in everything the doctors were saying...

Excited that we had an answer... Devastated that it came to this and everything a stroke and heart surgery would entail...

I spent the next couple months just trying to survive... About 3 days after my stroke, all the issues began to show up... All my past demons began to make each symptom worse...

Every hour I fought feelings of paralysis and passing out... I reacted negatively to the medication that was supposed to be keeping me alive and prevent another stroke or heart attack...

I couldn't ride in the car, I couldn't stand any noise (we have 3 young children so that was impossible), I couldn't take being awake but I also couldn't sleep...

Every time I would fall asleep I would wake in a panic unable to breathe or feel my arms...

I couldn't understand why I was spared and feeling so great in the hospital, to now be feeling worse than I have ever felt in my life...

Every minute of every day was a fight...

Just one week later I was back in the hospital due to severe uncontrollable tremors...

I tried to hold out hope that once I had the surgery, everything would be great...

I fought through the entire summer, trying different medications, OT, PT, anything and everything to make it better...

I finally had the heart procedure and once again felt amazing for a few days, but now I had to be on more heavy medications that affected my anxiety, depression and new found PTSD...

It took almost eight months before I had a day without severe issues...

For eight months I did nothing but try to SURVIVE...

I felt like I was FAILING, AGAIN!

But then, good hours turned into good days, good days into good weeks, and good weeks turned into good months!!

The anxiety, depression and everything else I fought so hard to defeat was being defeated again and my new found PTSD and other symptoms from the stroke were improving every day!

So was I failing? NO!

I didn't realize it at the time but I was doing exactly what I was supposed to based on the work I had begun just a few months prior!

See I had gone all in on my purpose and intentionally bettering myself!

And then it hit me... the reason for all of this!!

I learned a very hard lesson on just how important it is to INTENTIONALLY START...

See, had I not been intentional, the events of those 8 months would have been very different, becuase my mindset would have been very different!

And THAT brings us to the point of this story!

I desperately want everyone to have such a burning desire to live every second with purpose that there is nothing that will stop them...

But not just a desire, I want everyone to take intentional action (no matter how big or small, no matter how early or late), so that when their time comes, they have confidence in HOW they have lived!

Progress OVER perfection!!

How do you live every second as if its your last, but do so with purpose and intention?

Everyone has their own unique purpose, abilites, struggles and the like...

As true as that is, we all need the same thing, HELP overcoming the key reason that we all start and stop or never start at all!

So, let me ask you AGAIN, knowing the next second isn't guranteed, do you wish you had done more in life?

Do you wish you had a deeper meaning and purpose for everything?


Is there something you know you should be doing that you aren't?

Are you ready to stop standing on the sidelines and start living every second as if it's your last?

Check out the "#1 self-improvement system" - Brendon Burchard...

Not sure WHAT that "key reason" is that you need help with?

I understand... Remember, it took me almost 20 years of searching before I finally figured it out... But I don't want that to happen to you! I don't want you to beg for another chance like I did.

Once I figured out this key reason, EVERYTHING changed! But as I thought about why it took so long to figure that out, it hit me and it was so simple!

I bet you've felt something like this: "I want to have a purpose, I want a meaning for life BUT

...I don't have time OR I need to do this first OR I can't afford to get the help OR (insert reason here)..."

And the truth is, for the most part they are all valid reasons, but they eventually become excuses!

Trust me, I've had them all...

I then realized I needed to figure out how to ensure that "reasons" don't become "excuses" that make it take 20 years!

All my excuses boiled down to one thing...

I wasn't keeping things "front of mind"...

I was allowing anything and everything in life to derail me...

But why?

And that my friends is it...

To keep things "front of mind", it has to be always available, easily accessible...

But what does that even mean and how do you do that?

Let me explain!

By now, we are all very well aware that to achieve our best we need to be consistently learning and growing. We also know courses and mastermind are the BEST way to do that!


Courses and masterminds are so expensive and for many of us that try them, we don't get enough out of it to justify the time and cost so we quit...


We get so bombarded with information that we don't know how to apply it to our lives so we never start!

But it doesn't have to be!

What if you could start being intentional TODAY and continue to be intentional EVERYDAY?

What if you could get all the key pieces needed to help with everything that derails us from growing our purpose and passion in a single transformational package?

How can I be so sure?

Because these are the tools that changed everything for me when I started using them consistently!

The great thing about learning to be intentional is that you learn to spend time on what's important to you!

You decide when to take each lesson, which to dive deeper into. And when you need a refresher (as we all do), you can go back and take a closer look!

And to make sure there is no excuse, this won't cost


or even


In fact, there are two plans to match any budget, and the cost is so low right now that I need you to take the first intentional action and click "Get The App"!

Still not ready?!

Trust me, I've been there... and I also realize there is nothing more I can say to persuade you... You have to find that from inside yourself!

Here is the last thing I will say...

Since you've read this far, I know there is a voice inside urging you to take action...

My hope is that someday you will listen to that voice and take action... before it's too late!


Purpose Problems: 6 Ways We Derail Ourselves from our Purpose

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